Policies for New York Conference/Atlantic Union Camporee Pinewood Derby
Section I. Racing Specifications
The New York Conference of SDA 2024 Pathfinder Derby Day rally will be held on November 9, 2024 beginning at 10:00 AM
Registration for the Pinewood race and craftsmanship judging will begin at 5:00 PM
Please note that we will not be racing or judging any kit cars. To complete the requirements of the honor a second specialty car can be prepared and run and judged and that will be acceptable, in this Conference, as a substitute and thereby complete the requirements for the honor.
There will be a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place trophy given for each of the categories: Speed, Pre Teen Craftsmanship, and Teen Craftsmanship and Staff Speed and Craftsmanship.
Participants will receive a souvenir medallion.
Section II. Car Specifications. Please notice new Rule #9.
- All cars must start with a Pinewood Derby Block. No precut cars or kit carts are allowed. The overall width is not to exceed 2-3/4" and the overall length shall not exceed 7". Precut slots and supplied axles must be used. No solid axles allowed.
- Weight shall not exceed five (5) ounces. No loose materials of any kind in or on the car. The car may be hollowed out and built up to the maximum weight of five (5) ounces by the addition of wood or metal only, provided that it is securely built into the body. (Any exceptions are at the discretion of the race committee).
- Cars entered for Craftsmanship only must be raced, observe the size and weight specifications as stated in #1 & #2 above.
- The use of wheel bearings, bushings, or washers is prohibited. Original package type wheels must be used or the car may be disqualified. They shall not ride on any type of springs. Each car must be free wheeling and no starting devices are allowed. Wheels must be flat - no rounding.
- Plastic or metal accessories may be used for decoration purposes, but should not be used for major construction and design features. Details such as a steering wheel, driver, decals, and painting are permitted as long as they do not raise the car from the proper weight or size.
- Each car must pass inspection and weigh-in by the designated official or committee before it can compete. The inspectors have the right and will disqualify any cars that do not meet these specifications.
- A Pathfinder must do at least 90% of the work on his/her car.
- For identification and orientation purposes, conference name, print church name, club name and Pathfinder name on a non-painted space, approximately 1-1/2" x 3/4" on bottom of car. Also, draw arrow pointing to front of car. (This could be a stencil or label).
- Cars must have at least a 1/8" diameter flat place on the front center of the car to properly work with the starting gate. No Sharp Points.
Updated October 16, 2024